Thursday, July 9, 2009

Classic Irish indie from the 90s

I know I'm supposed to be finishing this chapter, but I was so excited about this discovery that I had to post. Around 1994 and 1995, I was studying for my Leaving Cert (shudder) and I would have Dave Fanning on between eight and ten every school night while I was doing my homework. Whenever I heard something I liked, I would scribble a note in my homework notebook. Then, next time I heard it, I would tape it. (Yes, it was a long time ago!) If I'd taped more than two songs off a particular album, it would go on my list of wanted albums. Unfortunately, the list always far outran my financial means, and one of the albums I never got round to buying was The Language of Everyday Life (Dead Elvis Records) by a Dublin band called In Motion. They were a bit shoegaze, a bit C86, a bit Cocteau Twins, and totally brilliant. (They had a video featured on No Disco in which their drummer wanders around Dublin in a nice frock.) Fast forward some years, and I would often find myself wondering what happened to them and where I could find that album. No myspace page, no videos on youtube, seemingly nothing. Did no-one else remember how good they were? Well, as I have just discovered, the folks over at Indiecater records do, and they have done a digital release of the album. You can hear one of the album's highlights, "Hollow Blow" here-- just scroll to the bottom. Apparently they would like to do a vinyl release, which I think would be terrific. Incidentally, if you take a look at the site, you'll also find classic albums by Sunbear and The Brilliant Trees. Enjoy!


  1. Thanks a mill Ornaith for the buy and the shout out! More classic Irish albums on the way. Kevin

  2. Great stuff. I'm really enjoying it; it sounds just as beguiling as it did fifteen years ago. (Feck! Fifteen years ago...)

  3. did you ever send some of your music to clare fm?

  4. I did, yes! Tommy Kelly played several tracks and Pat McGrath played at least one, I think.
